"The Proposition was intended by its authors to protect California citizens and the State's drinking water sources from chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and to inform citizens about exposures to such chemicals.Proposition 65 requires the Governor to publish, at least annually, a list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.
If you are curious what is contained in that list, look HERE. All this is frightening to me. What else is out there - if we aren't excempt from these things in our own homes, what about at restaurants, shopping stores, grocery stores? As a matter of fact, most car dealerships here also display the warning... And the bad news in my house doesn't stop there: we assembled new kitchen chairs last week, and on the bottom cushion there was a sticker that read, "This product contains a known carcinogen." Which means my new chairs could cause CANCER? Is this for real? If I take those back and find some different ones, are there chairs out there made without cancer-causing materials? What do I do? How much exposure is too much? According to the websites I've found, there are certain levels of these materials that are allowed, which supposedly do not cause harm. But if a product is made with chemicals over that allowable amount, the company has to provide the warning on the product...Nice, huh? It's not illegal to use more than the "safe" amount of these chemicals, no. All companies are required to do is provide a warning. Once again, where does that leave me as the consumer?
Some websites offer opinions that say that these warnings go overboard, and that it's just crazy stupid California legislation that requires this. Others say to not take it seriously. They laugh at the warnings, and make fun of them... but if the warnings are there, shouldn't we pay attention? A company isn't going to state that their product is harmful if it's not...
Basically, I've resigned myself to the fact that I can't freak out about it. I can't become so consumed by fear that I can't function in the 'real' world. But I do know that I need to be an AWARE consumer. I need to ask questions and I need to take action with making whatever I can (including my home and my family) as safe and natural as possible. Now I know to look for those warnings before I buy a product. It's not smart to simply just trust and accept that what our suppliers and marketers are making for us is actually SAFE for us and our health. And that's unfortunate, if you ask me.
I'm not sure how many states require these same type of warnings. But I encourage you to look at THIS website, which explains Proposition 65, and can answer some practical questions, if you want them answered. They have sections on air, water, children's health, pesticides, and more. And then, do your own research. Be AWARE. Be conscious of these things out there. Ignorance is bliss, at times. But at other times it's costing us much more than we know. This kind of stuff is worth knowing, I think.
yah we have switched over to almost 100% glass or stainless steel as well as ceramics made of natural fired material like clay. and we use mostly wooden or bamboo cooking utensils. its a scary world when you start to actually realize what is in things. although i have heard that for plastics, #2 and #7 i believe are non-leaching i prefer not to chance it. however, the ramifications are crazy considering how many things are packaged in plastic. we haven't gone extreme enough to stop buying everything but its looking more and more tempting. no wonder so many people have health problems and cancer!