
Home should be the safest place on the planet! A place of refuge from - well - almost everything you want to keep on the outside. But surprisingly, a house can be a dangerous place, and we don't even know it... and it could be worse if you keep your house spotlessly clean... Please read on.

According to
A Carcinogen is any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer.

And... it seems that much of the typical household cleaners, and even cosmetics we buy are filled with chemicals that fit under the title of "carcinogen..."

Go Here to find a study on indoor cleaning supplies. Follow it for a question and answer of what to use and how to use it, as well as what NOT to use...

Click here to see a LONG list of Hazardous Ingredients in Household Products. Then check under your sink and compare the active ingredients on the bottles of cleaners you are using... see how many of these chemicals are used daily and weekly on your floors, in your bathrooms, on your dishes, and to launder your clothes!

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