Monsters under your bed - I mean, your sink!

Look under your sink. It's a very accessible place - for you, for your family members, for the toddler in the house, for the curious pet. That's where we usually keep our cleaning supplies. Now pull out your trusty cleaner friends with whom you spend most of Saturday morning - breathing in their strong fumes, mixing them with other cleaners, making the world a shinier, cleaner place. But, believe it or not, at the end of those few hours, your world is not a safer place. It's hard to believe that those smells and shines are actually harmful to your health, and the health of those for whom you work so hard to keep clean. But it's not me who's telling you so! Read the back labels on your trusty friends. Notice the ingredients they are made with. Pay attention with how to use them... For example, if it says:

CAUTION: An ounce to a pint may be fatal or harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin by an adult 180-pound man.
WARNING: A teaspoon to an ounce may be fatal or harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin by an adult 180-pound man.
DANGER: A taste to a teaspoon is fatal if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin by an adult 180-pound man.

Do any of those all-important bottles contain any of the following ingredients? And don't just trust this list - look them up online!

AmmoniaFatal when swallowed
Ammonium HydroxideCorrosive, irritant
BleachPotentially fatal if ingested
ChlorineNumber one cause of poisonings in children
FormaldehydeHighly toxic; known carcinogen
Hydrochloric acidCorrosive, eye and skin irritant
Hydrochloric bleachEye, skin and respiratory tract irritant
LyeSevere damage to stomach and esophagus if ingested
NaphthaDepresses the central nervous system
NitrobenzeneCauses skin discoloration, shallow breathing, vomiting, and death
PerchlorethyleneDamages liver, kidney, nervous system
Petroleum DistillatesHighly flammable; suspected carcinogen
PhenolExtremely dangerous; suspected carcinogen; fatal taken internally
Propylene GlycolImmunogen; main ingredient in antifreeze
Sodium hypochloritPotentially fatal
Sodium laurel sulfateCarcinogen, toxin, genetic mutagen
Sodium tripolyphosphateIrritant
TrichloroethaneDamages liver and kidneys

To go through life not knowing these facts is one thing - but once I learned, I had to tell whoever I knew might care! There are options out there, so you don't have to be victim to invisible and unknown "trouble causers..."

This website offers an amazing overall summary. Check it out!

The Today Show on MSNBC did a special on Shaklee's Get Clean line. See what they had to say!

Many people are becoming more conscious about these matters. Here's another website summary.

Simple, easy, natural solutions are offered HERE as well.

Of all the options, I'm sold on the Shaklee Get Clean supplies. They are safe, effective, natural, and are very strong cleaners. So check it out! The information is out there for the finding.

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