Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamins. Is there a significant difference? Outside of how much you pay for these supplements, is there a health benefit to 'natural' or will the 'synthetic' be just as beneficial? Because if there is no difference, why not buy our vitamins and supplements from a cheap(er) store/company? Why not buy Wal-Mart brands, Dollar General brands? [I thought this was interesting: one site said at least 90% of all vitamins sold in the U.S. are synthetic.]
Well, I've been doing a lot of research on this topic, and surprisingly opinions vary greatly. Some claim synthetic vitamins are just as effective as natural vitamins, for a fraction of the cost. While others say, "No way! You get what you pay for." Synthetic vitamins are not complete, they don't absorb into the system, and in a few cases, can actually cause more harm than good. 'Naturals' come from food and plant sources, 'synthetics' come from chemical sources. Naturals are found in nature, and synthetics are born in a science lab.
Another important note is that one specific vitamin cannot heal anything nor can it work alone. In nature, they are found in families, and need to work together and be available to each other to be able to fully absorbed and used in someone's body. Imagine building a clock with a nice-looking frame but without all the nuts and bolts and gadgets needed to turn the hands around. From the outside, it might look like it should work, but it will never will without all the right pieces. That's kind of how our bodies are. We need all the right pieces - and good, quality pieces - to allow us to function at our highest.
Below are some snippets of what I found. Click on the titles to go to the original articles.
- that the vitamins you are now using are very likely synthetic?
- that synthetic vitamins have only one component out of a whole family of micro-nutrients that accompany them in their natural state?
- that only 50% of a synthetic vitamin can be utilized somewhat efficiently?
- that some sensitive people may actually have an adverse reaction to the synthetic vitamins?
- that scientists can chemically reproduce sea water but when you put fish in this synthetic sea water they die?
Many synthetics are made from coal tar derivatives. That's the same stuff that causes throat cancer for tobacco smokers... Synthetics are not efficiently utilized in the body as natural supplements due to the "dl" factor and the lack of complete families which include all surrounding micro-nutrients.
[This was an awesome site. Read through it if you have time.]
#2: HERE are some facts that you won’t find advertised on most of the vitamin supplements at your local vitamin store:
- The majority of commercial vitamin supplements are made up of synthetic vitamins
- Synthetic vitamins do not perform the same functions in your body as vitamins found naturally in whole food
- Many synthetic vitamins deplete your body of other nutrients and tax your kidneys before being excreted through your urine
Yes. Some vitamins are water soluble, so the flush out of the body quite easily. Other vitamins are fat soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K. Because they are soluble in fat (lipids), these vitamins tend to build-up in the body's fat tissues, fat deposits, and liver. This storage capability makes the fat-soluble vitamins potentially toxic when consuming high-dose synthetic versions of these vitamins, rather than food-based vitamins that the body knows how to metabolize. Care should be exercised when taking the fat-soluble vitamins, and it is recommended that you avoid the synthetic forms of these vitamins whenever possible. Also many people are allergic to the chemicals used as a base for synthetic vitamins. Some are toxic, including nicotine, coal tars and alloxal. Avoid toxic ingredients such as magnesium stearate or stearic acid (toxic flowing agents), silicon dioxide (common sand used as an expensive filler that makes the bottle weigh more with the hope that the uneducated consumer will equate weight with higher quality), natural flavors (a common term for toxic MSG used to disguise bland tastes), methylcellulose, carnauba wax, titanium dioxide, and many more. If you are not sure of what you are taking, do not take it! These toxic chemical agents can create significant health problems when consumed over time. The OCA will be posting a detailed list of some of the most problematic ingredients.
#4: Synthetic Vitamin Supplements are far more common than their natural counterparts.
These are the over-the-counter daily vitamins you see in your corner grocery or drug store. They are made in laboratories by chemists who are desperately trying to duplicate the types of vitamins found in natural food sources. These are "vitamin simulations" that just don't measure up. Our bodies don't recognize these chemicals as vitamins, but as intruders. As if we don't have enough troubles on our own, now our cells have to work like crazy to eliminate these chemicals, along with the crushed-up rocks that are marketed as "minerals." Evidence of this can be found in our urine, which often turns a bright fluorescent green. "Vitamin burps," heartburn, and the jitters are further evidence that this stuff is fake, and that our bodies want no part of it.
There is so much research out there. Go out and find the facts for yourself. I experimented for months with different brands, but could never figure out why they weren't working for me. I was doing just what the doctor said, but my body couldn't process or utilize the synthetic brands I was using. And let me tell you - that was frustrating.
Then I heard about a natural company, who does hundreds of tests on the raw product, making sure the ingredients are pure and as organic as possible - before they ever hit pill form. They take great pride in their strict policies, and will discontinue a product if it does not meet their standards. They are backed by so many tests, reviews, published reports... so i tried them. And within TEN DAYS - I was getting results. That's when I said "good-bye!" to synthetic vitamins! To see their results, go HERE and click on anything within "Healthy Science Downloads." For graphs, facts, and stats, go HERE and click on "Landmark Dietary Supplement Study."
But don't take my word for it - I'm just one person, with no formal medical or pharmaceutical training. That said, I am a consumer, and someone who can read and research and find answers. And I have the personal experience of feeling the physical difference of effective and not effective vitamins. Tell me your thoughts!
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